Patio Black Spot Preventer

  • SKU: PRE25
Patio Black Spot Preventer picture
Sale price$69.99 AUD
(includes GST) ★★★★★

Product Details

For use on all stone types. Patio Black Spot Preventer will prevent black spot infestation on terraces and pathways and also remove green algae in 3-5 days of application.This product will treat a maximum area of 50 square metres.For application 11-12 months after using Patio Black Spot Remover or on brand new stonework. 

Patio Black Spot Preventer will prevent black spot infestation on new terraces and pathways. When used annually, Patio Black Spot Preventer will also prevent re-infestation of black spots after they have been removed with our Patio Black Spot Remover. It specifically targets the black lichen spores, removing them before they can germinate and avoiding the use of harmful and impractical pesticides.

Patio Black Spot Preventer will also remove green and red algae that grow on garden paths, patios and other decorative stonework within 3-5 days of application.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sit amet nisl libero. Suspendisse viverra massa nulla, egestas aliquam tortor porttitor eu. Proin vulputate tincidunt feugiat. Nunc vehicula porta lacus ut commodo. Praesent aliquet est dictum dolor ornare tincidunt. Mauris sodales mattis tortor et scelerisque. Donec ac eros euismod, ultrices massa non, venenatis nisl. Integer tristique eleifend facilisis. Aliquam congue ligula semper enim ultrices pulvinar. Fusce lobortis ultricies est id posuere. In tortor arcu, consectetur vitae ante eget, euismod venenatis turpis. Curabitur venenatis ipsum quis eros luctus, vel pulvinar nibh ultrices.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sit amet nisl libero. Suspendisse viverra massa nulla, egestas aliquam tortor porttitor eu. Proin vulputate tincidunt feugiat. Nunc vehicula porta lacus ut commodo. Praesent aliquet est dictum dolor ornare tincidunt. Mauris sodales mattis tortor et scelerisque. Donec ac eros euismod, ultrices massa non, venenatis nisl. Integer tristique eleifend facilisis. Aliquam congue ligula semper enim ultrices pulvinar. Fusce lobortis ultricies est id posuere. In tortor arcu, consectetur vitae ante eget, euismod venenatis turpis. Curabitur venenatis ipsum quis eros luctus, vel pulvinar nibh ultrices.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sit amet nisl libero. Suspendisse viverra massa nulla, egestas aliquam tortor porttitor eu. Proin vulputate tincidunt feugiat. Nunc vehicula porta lacus ut commodo. Praesent aliquet est dictum dolor ornare tincidunt. Mauris sodales mattis tortor et scelerisque. Donec ac eros euismod, ultrices massa non, venenatis nisl. Integer tristique eleifend facilisis. Aliquam congue ligula semper enim ultrices pulvinar. Fusce lobortis ultricies est id posuere. In tortor arcu, consectetur vitae ante eget, euismod venenatis turpis. Curabitur venenatis ipsum quis eros luctus, vel pulvinar nibh ultrices.

1 – Apply on a dry day, when rain is not forecast for 48 Hours.

2 – To treat 20 square metres, fill a 5-7 litre pneumatic garden sprayer with 3 litres of water. Add 1 Litre of Patio Black Spot Preventer. You should now have 4 Litres of product in your sprayer. Always add the Preventer to the Water to prevent bubbling when mixing.

3 – Apply ALL the product to an area no larger than 20 square metres (4x5 metres). Saturate the surface.

4 – Repeat stages 2 & 3 for areas larger than 20 square metres

5 – Allow to dry out – DO NOT WASH OFF

If Green Algae appears in shaded or north-facing areas during the 12 months after applying the Preventer, simply retreat those areas when required, making slippery areas safe again.

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