patio outside house after cleaning

How it works

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The science behind our products

When your patio, pathway, drive or terrace was first laid, the stone would have looked beautiful. Over time, microscopic lichen spores carried by wind and rain from surrounding trees land on the stone. If left untreated, lay down a root that feeds off the minerals within the stone. Eventually the entire surface gets covered in what we call ‘Black Spots’ which no amount of pressure washing will fully remove!

Patio Black Spot Remover removes lichen, algae and instantly restores the natural colour to patios, paths, and garden stonework just as they were when new, no matter how old the stone, at a fraction of the original cost to lay.

Patio Black Spot Preventer applied annually, maintains the spotless finish, and removes algae within a few days, without the need to pressure wash.

Lovingly Restores, Permanently Prevents!

Over the years the perceived wisdom has been that the stronger the cleaner and the harder the pressure, the more chance you had of removing black spots from your stone. Nothing could be further than the truth.

Acid-based cleaners and endless pressure washing will permanently damage your stone. This approach will cause short and long term damage to plants in the surrounding area.

Sandstone is sedimentary; it cures in layers and splits in layers. The vibration caused by pressure washing causes these layers to delaminate, resulting in destroying the surface and breaking the stone.

Patio Black Spot Remover gently removes black spots, completely restores the colour to garden stonework, of any age, and prevents the return of black spots. Our products are biodegradable and acid free. Our expertise in stone led us to develop this unique system and it’s why top garden centres throughout the UK have chosen to stock our brand.

To keep your patio free from black spots after they've been removed , apply our Patio Black Spot Preventer for all stone types. When used annually, Patio Black Spot Preventer will prevent re-infestation of black spots for good. The Patio Black Spot Preventer will also remove any green algae within 3-5 days. You simply dilute, spray and leave on the stone to work its magic. There is no need to pressure wash.

Due to strong demand, Patio Black Spot Removal expanded its operation, with the creation of The Patio Black Spot Removal Company PTY LTD, in 2015.  With its strategically based manufacturing facility in Sydney NSW, orders are delivered within 3-5 days.

We are based in the UK but can be contacted on 0279 080 114 or email You can also contact us using the online chat in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.